Monday, May 26, 2008
25 May 2008
We leave Spain for Mobile today. It is a nine hour flight to Atlanta and then I we have a three and a half hour lay over for our flight to Mobile. I didn't take any photographs of us leaving and everyone was in quiet anticipation for our arrival to Mobile. Not to mention it was early in Toledo when we left and we were not looking forward to the many hours of waiting to come.
24 May 2008

Today is our last day and we leave tomorrow morning. I went with Kathleen and Amanda to the train station to take some pictures. I convinced them to take the bus back instead of walking and Amanda agreed. It is a good thing I took the bus because I met a photographer that shot bull fights. He asked my if I liked the D300 (it was hanging from my neck) I replied yes and we continued talking on the bus. When he mentioned that he photographed bull fights, I asked if he mind if I tagged along. Amanda later asked if she could go. This man and his friend were from California and they both spoke Spanish. He took me to the ticket counter and we bought our tickets. Later that evening we went to the fights and I told Amanda that if she was grossed out that she had better keep it to her self because I didn't want anyone to ruin my good time. We squeezed in to our seats and watched the fight. I mostly watched from my view finder, something I can't do when I shoot Chris' ballgames. We left early because it started to rain and since Nikon and rain don't mix, we gathered our stuff and left. It was a neat experience and I am glad that I can say that I've seen it in person.
23 May 2008

We went to Consuegra and Orgaz today. At Consuegra we went to see Don Quixote's windmills. The windmills made for great pictures but once again the tourist got in the way and everywhere we went in spain there was a crane being used to remodel or refurbish.
Orgaz was quite boring and I think I have seen all the churches and fortresses that I care to see. I set out on a hike hoping to find an orchard or something. It started raining when I reached the end of town so I had to turn back. The bus was ready and every one was there so we headed back to Toledo.
22 May 2008

Kathleen, Amanda and myself went to the Al Cazar in Toledo today. We were hoping no one else from photography went so that we could have some photographs that no one else has. This fortress was very well taken care of. There was a net covering the open air center of the building and there were a couple of dead birds that looked like they tried to dive down and got catch in the net. There are so many bird here and they crap on everything, in fact they use tarp awnings to cover the main alleys so that the people don't get pooped on. Anyway, back to the Al Cazar; I got to take some photo's inside of some of the swords and daggers. I wished I could get my hands on them.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
20 May 2008

Today I struck out on my own and had a great time all by myself. Something I don't get to do to often. It was great, I walked at my own pace, I stopped to take pictures and the only people that were there to tell me to move along didn't know that I don't speak Spanish. I took the bus to the market and then walked to the Bull fighting arena to see if I could get tickets; they were closed. I decided to just keep going and found a quiet little park that when along one of the rivers. I walked forever along the river until I came to one of the old bridges and then I climbed up to the city wall, set the timer on my camera and took a picture of myself looking over the river. Then it was more hiking, uphill, to the hotel. Night time found me on the roof of our hotel were I took some pics of the cathedral and the city of Toledo. I plan on experimenting with HDR for those pics. Now I find myself growing tired and I am going to my room to sleep. Good night.
19 May 2008

Jennaffer, I would like to make something like this on our future property. Love ya!
We (Kathleen, Amanda, and I) walked around Toledo catching up with some of the Art History Assignments. We went to the Cathedral, Sante Tome' and the Ruinas del Circo Romano. I did a sketch of the western portal of the cathedral and a sketch of the Burial of Count Orgaz at Sante Tome'. We then went to the Roman Ruins for a brief visit then we got lost again and I said Hola to an elderly man whom started speaking Spanish to me. I then had to tell him that I didn't speak Spanish. He then appeered to be telling me off for saying Hola. We boarded the bus and the old man sat near us. When we disembarked I said Buenos Tardes and he said Bye Bye. I laughed very hard and he did as well.
18 May 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
17 May 2008
The Alhambra is the biggest attraction in Granada. The Moorish Monarchs lived here in the 14 century. It was amazing, but once again we were hurried through. It was offered that we could stay but we had to walk back to the hotel if we did and I was already chaffed so I took the bus.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
16 May 2008

Today we set out for Granada and on the way we stopped at Cordova to see La Mezquita (an old mosque subjected to the catholic inquisition and turned into a cathedral). At La Mezquita we were again allowed to take photos inside and fortunately my digital camera can be set to ISO 3200 + 1 (6400). It was dark inside but I got some great shots. I wish that it wasn't full of tourists, they kept getting in the way. After Cordova we got back on the bus to go to Granada.
15 May 2008

We went to Segovia and visited El Escorial, the Roman Aqueduct and the Alcazar. Segovia is northwest of Madrid and is home to El Escorial, Alcazar and a Roman Aqueduct. We first visited El Escorial, a Spanish Royal Palace and Montessori.
Next we went to the Alcazar of Segovia (Segovia Castle), a very long uphill hike. It was worth it in the end. I took some great pictures. This was the first place to allow us to take photographs inside and I used it to my advantage; I took a ton of pictures here.
Finally, we went to the Roman Aqueduct in the town of Segovia. It was awsome, I felt a sense of greatness when standing next to the huge structure. Our time here was limited as in all things and I felt rushed most of the time, limiting my photography to a touristic perspective.
14 May 2008

We started the day off early. We were going to go to the Cathedral in Toledo, were we are staying, but it cost 7 euro now so we didn't go. While we were waiting for the Cathedral to open some guy came up and talked our teacher into going to a monastery where they make Damasquinados (jewelry). We were then supposed to go to see "The burial of Count Orgas" by El GRECO, but we didn't. The morning was a total wash. But the afternoon did provide some exercise and a lot of photos of the town. I walked with Daniel, Josh, Jessica and Mandy to Toledo Neuve (New Toledo). I took several pictures film and digital. I love to people watch and one thing I notice more then anything is the number of people who smoke. No, I'm not smoking. But it sure is tempting. The way back was all up hill so I told everyone that the only way I was going back was by taxi. The food is wonderful and I eat lots of Tapas (small portions of really good food).
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hola! We are in Granada for the weekend then we go back to Toledo.
Bronwynn, You can write me as much as you like. How are things at home? Things in Spain are fine and I am exhausted from all the walking. I love and miss you!
I should be able to update every thing this weekend.
Bronwynn, You can write me as much as you like. How are things at home? Things in Spain are fine and I am exhausted from all the walking. I love and miss you!
I should be able to update every thing this weekend.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
El Escorial
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
May 13 journal entry

William at the Palacio Real
Today we left for Madrid so we could go to the Palacio Real and Museo Del Prado. Neither place allowed photos to be taken inside. (Why did I bring my camera?). The palace was nice and my favorite part was the armory (swords and armor; boy stuff). There were a couple of paintings by GOYA there and the rooms were very ornate. After I was good and chafed we walked several blocks to a plaza near the museum that we were to visit next. (Museo Del Prado). We ate lunch in the plaza around 1400 hrs and I kept a blue glass water bottle. After lunch we went to the museum were we walked a lot more and I saw paintings by famous artist like: Rapheal, Titian, El Greco, Goya and Velazquez. This was a mind blowing experience, to be standing next to all the paintings that I had to memorize in art history classes. I got caught taking pictures in the museum and thankfully I didn't get kicked out. The paintings were a lot better in real life and a lot bigger. We are back in Toledo and getting ready for dinner.
12 May 2008 Journal entry
We arrived in Spain today. (this morning) Since I didn't sleep on the plane my roommate (Brandon Terry) and I had a puick bite and then took a siesta (nap). We woke up and tried to find an internet cafe. We found one but they wanted us to use their computers. Brandon went with a strange guy on his own and later decided that he made a bad decision. We had dinner as a group at 2030 hrs in the hotel restaurant. (Carlos V) Tomorrow we are going to Palacio Real (the Royal Palace) and Museo Del Prado (a museum). I took a few digital pics of some of the people in our group and some night pictures of the old city of Toledo. Tomorrow I plan on taking several travel type photos and lots of color based photos.
Happy Birthday Bronwynn!
I couldnt find internet access so I called from my cell phone and left a message for you on Mom's phone. I love you guys I hope you all are ok.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Less then a week
My trip to Spain is fast approaching. I haven't started packing yet but I am getting pretty excited.
Keep an eye on my spain blog: I will also put my more personal entries about my trip on the blog you are viewing now.
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